In this video divorce attorney Alla Kurolapnik provides a digest of the case of Emily Ratajkowski, including the key issues that could be applied to any divorce case, including how does cheating affect divorce and the issue of a diamond...
When it comes to a separation or divorce, there are a lot of things to consider. One important option that many people don’t know about is the postnup. In this video, Divorce Attorney Alla Kurolapnik discusses when a postnup might be useful and how it can...
When it comes to getting a pre-nup, many couples choose to use mediators in order to come to an agreement. Divorce Attorney Alla Kurolapnik explains the benefits of using mediators in this situation, and how they can help make the process smoother for all...
If you’re considering a prenuptial or postnuptial agreement, it’s important to understand the mediation process. In this video a Divorce Attorney Alla Kurolapnik discusses how mediation can help you and your spouse come to an agreement on critical issues...